Folder Abstracts - OF Lyon 2018


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pdf 07 Rik HOSTE - Reductionistic and Holistic Aproach in Clinical Reasoning Abstract - OsEAN 2018 ( pdf, 2.90 MB ) (3120 downloads) Popular
pdf 10 Hans FAUVILLE - Diagnostics in osteopathy where is the uniformity - OsEAN 2018 ( pdf, 132 KB ) (2951 downloads) Popular
pdf 13 Karen Carroll - Challenges and Obstacles in Teaching Paediatric Osteopathic Diagnostics Reasoning and Palpation Skills ( pdf, 37 KB ) (2749 downloads) Popular
pdf 19 Poster: Aubin & Boulanger & Morin - Remediation of pedagogical difficulties ( pdf, 107 KB ) (2832 downloads) Popular
pdf 26 Poster: Andreas J. Risch - Salutogenetic aspects in osteopathic diagnostics ( pdf, 51 KB ) (2747 downloads) Popular
pdf 22 Poster: Egorova & Zinkevitch - Educational strategies in the teaching of osteopathic diagnostics Lyon 2018 ( pdf, 100 KB ) (2806 downloads) Popular
pdf 21 Poster: David Dessauge - Therapeutic test and probabilistic approach ( pdf, 790 KB ) (2758 downloads) Popular
pdf 24 Poster: Valerie MacLean - The Effectiveness of Ultrasound Feedback with Abdominal Visceral Palpation ( pdf, 180 KB ) (2752 downloads) Popular
pdf 23 Poster: Mario Gonzales - Integration of current models of osteopathic approach ( pdf, 645 KB ) (2676 downloads) Popular
pdf 25 Poster: Dmitry Mokhov - Methodology of osteopathy, a modern outlook ( pdf, 7 KB ) (2778 downloads) Popular
pdf 06 Franck Garnier - Estimate the feasibility and the acceptability of an OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) intended for th ( pdf, 201 KB ) (3548 downloads) Popular
pdf 03 Hakim Mhadhbi - Impact of the video tool on the acquisition of clinical skills in Osteopathy ( pdf, 113 KB ) (3999 downloads) Popular
pdf 02 Tim Daelemans - Osteopathic diagnostics and EBM a clear challenge for the future ( pdf, 28 KB ) (3733 downloads) Popular
pdf 01 Matteo Turinetto - Osteopathic clinical reasoning development ( pdf, 310 KB ) (4227 downloads) Popular
pdf 05 Christian Lungh - Osteopathic complex adaptive care, clinical reasoning in the light of the Cynefin framework ( pdf, 118 KB ) (3741 downloads) Popular
pdf 04 Philippe Gadet - What do we use as protocols for clinical examinations of patients ( pdf, 3.09 MB ) (4025 downloads) Popular
pdf 11 Arnaud Crepin - Ethical and pedagogical reflections on learning didactics in osteopathic diagnosis ( pdf, 157 KB ) (3370 downloads) Popular
pdf 08 Sandra Grace - The SNAPPS Plus model of clinical supervision ( pdf, 72 KB ) (3788 downloads) Popular
pdf 07 Rik Hoste - Reductionistic and Holistic Aproach in Clinical Reasoning Abstract ( pdf, 314 KB ) (3728 downloads) Popular
pdf 09 Philippe Gadet - Standardizing the osteopathic practical examination ( pdf, 94 KB ) (3778 downloads) Popular