Folder Abstracts OF 2022


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pdf 28 Poster Jacquot &Portejoie &Mathian - From learning a clinical reasoning process to incorporating it into clinical practice ( pdf, 51 KB ) (956 downloads) Popular
pdf 14 KEYNOTE Steven VOGEL - Conceptualising and teaching the risk of serious vascular adverse events associated with manual therapy when treating the neck: An overview of a recent International Framework ( pdf, 47 KB ) (1032 downloads) Popular
pdf 13 WS Steven Vogel - Vascular pathologies of the neck that may present as head and neck pain – promoting clinical reasoning and best practice ( pdf, 47 KB ) (948 downloads) Popular
pdf 27 Poster Dario Zecchillo - How can we make Osteopathic Research enjoyable for undergraduate students ( pdf, 95 KB ) (974 downloads) Popular
pdf 26 Poster Giulia Terruzzi - Change in Stress Levels and Concentration in Osteopathy Students ( pdf, 199 KB ) (1015 downloads) Popular
pdf 25 Poster Stephen Sandler - The case history and decision making in osteopathic clinical practice ( pdf, 274 KB ) (1011 downloads) Popular
pdf 24 Poster Giulia Molinaria - There is no teaching without the human factor ( pdf, 89 KB ) (1027 downloads) Popular
pdf 23 Poster Kathleen Martinet - Teaching Clinical Competencies at ESO Paris ( pdf, 65 KB ) (1014 downloads) Popular
pdf 22 Poster Irina Egorova - Clinical Reasoning ( pdf, 109 KB ) (1138 downloads) Popular
pdf 21 Poster P. Bright & C. Piper - Clinical Integration a model for graded patient interaction from low to high stake engagemen ( pdf, 79 KB ) (992 downloads) Popular
pdf 20 Poster Aletti & Carabelli - Clinical uncertainty in osteopathic practice among internship students a survey research ( pdf, 186 KB ) (1028 downloads) Popular
pdf 19.1 Jacquot & Garet - Developping skills to Act in clinical situations. Step 1 ( pdf, 25 KB ) (1096 downloads) Popular
pdf 19.2 Jacquot & Garet - Developping skills to Act in clinical situations. Step 2 ( pdf, 22 KB ) (904 downloads) Popular
pdf 18 Simone Buccino - How to manage a internship clinic ( pdf, 24 KB ) (1148 downloads) Popular
pdf 17 Matteo Turinetto - The use of Critical Incident Technique as a tool to identify students perceived issues in osteop ( pdf, 62 KB ) (1054 downloads) Popular
pdf 16 Thomas Cornet - Impact of two innovative to approaches to teach anatomy on students' perceptions and underlying clinical application ( pdf, 38 KB ) (1089 downloads) Popular
pdf 15 Giacomo Consorti - Relational Simulation Laboratory Implementation in Clinical Training The SimuLab Project ( pdf, 97 KB ) (1067 downloads) Popular
pdf 12 WS Thomas Matthew - Can ultrasound scans improve osteopathic palpation skill ( pdf, 131 KB ) (1073 downloads) Popular
pdf 11 WS Dessauge & Goelo - A method for managing technical skills in the acquisition and perfecting of the osteopathic ( pdf, 830 KB ) (1054 downloads) Popular
pdf 10 WS Anne Sophie Heissat - Clinical reasoning difficulties in osteopathic students and the remediation strategies ( pdf, 41 KB ) (1042 downloads) Popular