Street Address
Moeringgasse 20/2/Top 7
Postal Code
School Overview
The Vienna School of Osteopathy (WSO) is the first private educational establishment in the field of osteopathy in Austria. In co-operation with a state-recognized university the WSO offers osteopathic training for physical therapists and physicians who finish their studies with the degree "Master of Science (Osteopathy)". The master course is evaluated with 120 ECTS points. The students enjoy training of the highest possible standards to become safe and effective osteopathic practitioners who understand osteopathy in its wholeness as science and art. As the largest osteopathic school in Austria the WSO also assumes its responsibility of developing professional standards and spreading osteopathy even further. Experienced Pioneer Since its foundation in 1991, more than 550 osteopaths were able to finish their studies successfully and about 350 students are currently enrolled in the training program. As pioneer in the field the WSO was successful in establishing osteopathy in Austria, to lift it to a respectable academic level, and to make the theory and practice of this form of therapy more professional.